Bramson Ort College
Bramson Ort College
Extension Center, Brooklyn
8109 Bay Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11214
Phone: (718) 259-5300
Fax: (718) 259-5216
About Bramson ORT College
Bramson ORT College is a technical college in the Metropolitan New York area of the United States. Bramson ORT was established in 1942 to serve refugees and immigrants during World War II. It became a College in 1977 to provide quality technical postsecondary education and to meet the educational and career needs of the New York community.
Bramson ORT College is accredited by the Board of Regents of The University of the State of New York. All Associate Degree, Certificate, and Diploma programs are registered by the New York State Education Department. Bramson ORT College is governed by a Board of Trustees and is a not-for-profit educational institution.
Bramson ORT College offers higher education in a caring environment. The programs offered include Accounting, Business Management, Computer Information Systems, Electronics Technology, Medical Assistant, and Office Technology.
The faculty and staff of Bramson ORT College have dedicated themselves to satisfying the ongoing educational and occupational needs of the students by preparing them for meaningful employment, community service, and personal growth.
Bramson ORT College maintains a relationship between coursework and the workplace through the College Business and Industry Advisory Council. Seminars, discussions, courses on-line and video conferencing emphasize College ties with the business community. Students have the opportunity to gain actual work experience through internships and the use of modern College computer laboratories (Internet, Multimedia, Job Search).
The Bramson ORT Library Media Resource Center contains a variety of printed and on-line materials, with special emphasis given to the support of the curricula. A professional library staff offers assistance and guidance to students, and maintains an up-to-date collection, including numerous on-line resources.
Bramson ORT College's main campus is located in Forest Hills, Queens - a vibrant community, easily accessible by public transportation and by automobile. Bramson ORT College has an extension center in Brooklyn. The College enjoys the beneï¬ts of the educational, business, scientific, industrial, and cultural communities of New York City.
ORT (Organization for Educational Resource and Technological Training) is an international organization which strives to bring economic self-sufficiency to world Jewry. Since the establishment of the organization in 1880, ORT schools have provided vocational and technical education to more than two million people, enabling them to become productive and economically self-sufficient members of society. A non-proï¬t organization, ORT is one of the largest non-government educational and training organizations in the world. ORT’s global network of schools and high-tech training programs provide cutting-edge curriculum and strategic educational initiatives to empower 300,000 students and beneficiaries annually in 62 countries to become productive citizens and lead their communities forward.
In the United States, ORT is represented by members of ORT America, Inc. US ORT Operations oversees Bramson ORT College in New York, Los Angeles ORT Technical Institute, Zarem/Golde ORT Technical Institute in Chicago and Hermelin ORT Resource Center in Detroit.
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