Capri Cosmetology Learning Center
Capri Newburgh
39 North Plank Rd
Newburgh, NY 12550
Tel 845.563.3090 | Fax 845.563.3093
In Salon Training Programs
The key to getting the most out of any educational seminar is communication. It is imperative for the stylist to step back and honestly evaluate their needs of their salon. Once this is accomplished, that information must be relayed to the educator in detail.
After years of training professional hair designers and estheticians, Capri is now offering education in all subjects of hair design and skin care services. These classes can accommodate the professional on both the intermediate and advanced levels. Subjects include: Haircutting, Hairstyling, Long Hair Design, Hair Coloring, Permanent Waving, Hair Straightening, Facials, Waxing, Body Treatments and much more.
We believe that through education you will update and/or improve the quality of workmanship and attitude within the salon. By doing so, there will be an increase in quantity with the end result: INCREASED INCOME!
©2008 Capri Cosmetology Learning Center | All Rights Reserved
