Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School
Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School
1100 South Goodman Street
Rochester, New York 14620-2589
Main Number (585) 271-1320
Fax (585) 271-8013
Message from the President
Divinity School -- the school set on a hill."
Welcome to Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School (CRCDS). Whether you are discerning a response to God's call and considering enrollment, or navigating through our web site to retrieve information, please know that the invitation and promise of CRCDS is transformation. The mandate of Jesus' message--a radical call of transformation--is one that CRCDS joyfully embraces. It is out of this radical discipleship that we passionately teach. CRCDS is proud of our Progressive Christian heritage and our commitment to the social gospel. Our mission is to prepare women and men for ministry that is pastoral, prophetic and learned. We recognize that ministry today is complex and demanding and the voice of CRCDS is vital to the life of the Church.
The sacred space we refer to as CRCDS "On the Hill" is rooted in biblical faith, diversity and a heritage of global consciousness. The CRCDS student and graduate are academically astute and morally focused to heal, to advocate and to witness. For us the progressive reign of God's love is ever present, ever pressing in, ever moving us to new theological and pastoral horizons. Our graduates exercise transformational leadership that empowers and inspires, a leaven that serves to affect the redemption of the social institutions that constitute the fabric of life in the 21st Century.
This dynamic, understood as the continual unfolding revelation of God's word, has been given witness by such CRCDS luminaries as Martin Luther King Jr., Walter Rauchenbusch, Majorie Matthews, Howard Thurman and J.C. Wynn. A response to God's call is a mystery that will contain untold blessings and challenges. The final destination has much to do with the starting place; consider CRCDS where the invitation and promise is transformation.
The Rt. Rev. Jack M. McKelvey, D.D.
Copyright © 2007 CRCDS. All rights reserved.