Kingsborough Community College
Kingsborough Community College
2001 Oriental Boulevard
Brooklyn, NY 11235-2398
Phone:1-718-COLLEGE (718-265-5343) Email:
About Kingsborough Community College
Who We Are
Kingsborough Community College is located on a 70-acre campus in Manhattan Beach, on the southern tip of Brooklyn, New York. Founded in 1963, the College serves approximately thirty thousand students per year, offering a wide range of credit and non-credit courses in the liberal arts and career education, as well as a number of specialized programs.
The breathtaking Kingsborough Community College campus overlooks three bodies of water: Sheepshead Bay, Jamaica Bay and the Atlantic Ocean.
Kingsborough serves a widely diverse student population and ranks among the top community colleges in the country in associate degrees awarded to minority students.
Our Vision
The Kingsborough Community College vision for the future offers a renewed focus on student learning that drives decision-making within the institution. The vision statement says, “Kingsborough Community College shall be an institution focused on the question, ‘How do our individual and collective actions contribute to student learning?’†To achieve its vision, Kingsborough strives for high quality and continuous improvement in all areas related to student learning, including the faculty, instructional programs, student services, administrative and support staff, and the campus environment. In addition, Kingsborough encourages students to take an active involvement in their own learning.
What We Offer
Kingsborough Community College offers open access to education by accepting all students with a high school diploma or GED. The college provides developmental courses and English as a second language instruction to better prepare all students to successfully complete their academic programs.
Kingsborough Community College is a comprehensive community college, offering a broad array of educational opportunities in line with its current mission: preparation for transfer to a four-year institution, career development, general education, adult and continuing education, and support services.
In addition, Kingsborough offers a number of programs for special populations, including the My Turn program for senior citizens; College Now, a unique partnership with area high schools that was developed at Kingsborough and is now being replicated by colleges throughout the city; the Leon M. Goldstein High School for the Sciences, a public school located on the Kingsborough campus; and Family College that provides public schooling on campus for the children of Kingsborough students who are on public assistance.
Kingsborough’s academic calendar is divided into two major semesters, each consisting of a 12-week module, followed by an optional 6-week module.
Kingsborough -- Brooklyn’s Community College
As Brooklyn’s community college, Kingsborough sponsors hundreds of community events each year that attract visitors to the campus, including a free summer music festival and a performing arts festival. Last year more than 200,000 people attended special events hosted by Kingsborough.
Kingsborough is fully accredited and approved by the Commission of Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.
The National League for Nursing Accreditation Commission (NLNAC) accredits the Nursing Program and the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education accredits the Physical Therapist Assistant Program. All academic programs are registered by the New York State Education Department, the University of the State of New York, Office of Higher Education, 5 North Mezzanine – Education Building, Albany, NY 12234.
The College is a member of the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC), the American Council on Education (ACE), the League for Innovation in the Community College, the Association of Colleges and Universities in the State of New York, the Council of Higher Education Institutions in New York City, Junior College Council of the Middle Atlantic States, Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, New York State Association of Junior Colleges, and the Association of College Unions-International.
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