Daemen College
Daemen College
4380 Main Street
Amherst, NY 14226
About Daemen
Strength of Tradition, Innovation for the Future.
Melding a broad cultural orientation with technical disciplines – within the context of service to others and the joy of learning – is Daemen College’s shared vision.
Daemen College is a private, nonsectarian, co-educational, comprehensive college in Amherst, New York, chartered to award both undergraduate and graduate level degrees. Located in a safe and attractive suburban setting, Daemen offers convenient access to one of the country’s most vibrant regions, spanning Buffalo-Niagara, the Great Lakes, and a cross-border corridor with Ontario, Canada, less than a two-hour drive from cosmopolitan Toronto.
Daemen’s identity is clear. We insist on a healthy and strategic balance between a liberal arts foundation and solid career preparation. That means a future physician assistant will also know something about Shakespeare. Moreover, our competency-based core curriculum ensures that the well-rounded Daemen graduate has effectively mastered skills like critical thinking, creative problem solving, literacy in multi-media technology, affective judgment, moral and ethical discernment, and civic responsibility.
Daemen also emphasizes practical experience through its many service-learning opportunities, internships, clinical and field experiences, collaborative research with faculty, and study abroad.
In addition, we put great value on the importance on the well-being of communities, be they local or global in scope, and a host of Daemen programs specifically address the value of outreach of this nature.
Daemen encourages open inquiry and debate; fosters a student-centered atmosphere with exceptionally favorable student-to-instructor ratios; and underscores the life-long benefit of sound writing and speaking skills for effective communication.
What Daemen College is about, in short, is preparing people to achieve their personal best, pursue meaningful careers, and embrace the joy of life-long learning.
©2009 Daemen College
